Tuesday, July 26, 2011

BSY Noni Enzyme

Noni Fruits Noni plant ferment formula contains highly concentrated extract of NONI fruit, Tiny particles can rapidly penetrate into cells of human body Help the decomposition and absortion of the various nutrient subtances benefiting the skin cells of human body Can promote micro-circulation of cells, activate metabolism of cells, Simultaneously strengthens the cell self defensive ability, Effectively resist the damage caused by outside harmful substances to skin, Balance content of protein molecules in human body, Protect the normal operation of function of cell tissues. Results show that average, approximately 80% to be beneficial and help improve healthy. 

Working Principle:
Supplementing the human body with Xeronine — activating the immune system • detecting abnormal conditions in human body capturing toxin and detoxification  repairing damaged cells.

1 bottle 10 ml

Quantity of Order     Price of 1 bottle
1 - 5                         RM 40     
6 -10                        RM 38
>10                          RM 35

Price included postal fee 

Enquiry and order , please email to : tonywc1015@gmail.com

Tags: Noni BSY Enzim | Noni BSY B-swan.MY | FED-Noni